Hello everyone! Welcome, and thank you for visiting my blog! Now, who I am exactly doesn’t matter nearly as much as who YOU are. Specifically, what matters most-when it comes to this site-is that little smoldering flame that sits deep within each one of us, waiting patiently to express just who we are. That flame has been given many names throughout the centuries: will, fate, destiny, spirit, muse, and talent. On here, however, we will refer to it by its simplest name, creativity.
The main purpose of this site is to teach as many as possible, with even the smallest ember of creativity, to fan that flame through learning the skill of drawing/painting. I believe this skill to be fundamental to the expression of creativity, and one of its most applicable forms. Not only will we develop our drawing and artistic skills, but we will do here what few have done before: we will develop an optimal method for drawing, using only the mind’s eye as reference. I also hope to expand the minds of everyone in this community to a world that is much bigger, and more remarkable than they’ve ever imagined before. I’ve been a devoted artist my entire life, and one of my strongest beliefs is that whatever skills, interests, or knowledge you posses that can be used to improve the world around you, are your responsibility to use in that manner.
I believe that little flame of creativity resides within each one of us, and I believe we can draw directly from our own imagination. With a deeper understanding and application of both of these, we can change our entire lives and the world for the better. In this blog, I will be your guide on this journey to such a impactful skill-set. So, join me as we dive deep into the philosophy of creativity, and wielding the keys to the visual world.