Join us, as we journey together into philosophies and methods behind creativity, drawing from imagination, innovation, and more concerning the world of art!

Category: Lessons

  • – LESSON 2: SHAPE UP (2D) –

    – LESSON 2: SHAPE UP (2D) –

    So, who’s ready for geometry!?  If this sentence is ever said aloud and seriously, it would be safe to wager that the vast response would not be one of enthusiasm. Yet, our geometry teachers were actually right. Geometry is important, it is very important. Geometry is also fun; And I’m not making a joke. The real joke is actually the… Read more


    So, before we begin our art journey with this first official lesson, I want to give a quick overview of what to expect as we move forward. I don’t want to give any impression that these methods that we’ll be discussing now and in the future are the end-all of art practice and learning. In… Read more