Join us, as we journey together into philosophies and methods behind creativity, drawing from imagination, innovation, and more concerning the world of art!

Tag: subconscious



    A thought for the day. As visual artists, there are many examples of styles and mediums across our art forms. Be it the countless brazenly imaginative styles of the Japanese and Korean Mangakas and animators  Or the hauntingly realistic, yet beautiful painting styles of Italy and Northwestern Europe, Or, be it the symbolic and otherworldly… Read more

  • – THE DREAM –

    We ALL have dreams. Yes, I am referring to our goals, ambitions, and aspirations, but also referring to literal dreams; our unconscious journeys, revelations, and hallucinations. No one knows how exactly they occur, where they come from, or why. I have no intention of trying to explain these things myself, nor could I, no matter… Read more